"While researching motherhood blog sites online I stumbled upon Babies On Ice :IFV & Embryo Donation. I found your archives and perused a few articles. Your articles were a refreshing and honest retreat from the many analogous mother sites I have been leafing through daily. After reading your articles I decided it was important to email you about submitting an excerpt of your work for the Imagining Ourselves exhibit.
From March to May 2007, the focus of the exhibit will be on Motherhood and the challenges that this generation faces. We want to reach out to young women to amplify their voices, talk about issues they face and focus on the issue from different perspectives-- but really looking at personal stories. We would like to explore their views on maternal health, pregnancy, parenting, single motherhood, adoption, relationships, work and family and much more.
I feel that you so fluently broadcast a view of motherhood that is not seen by many. Most interesting is that you are a mother who is on a journey to find the perfect mothers for your eggs! It would be an honor to have you submit an essay for consideration to the Motherhood exhibit. Your work is honorable, but it is also important and relevant, and should be shared in order to catalyze a new wave of honest and emotive mothers and women like yourself."
It's nice to get some feedback on the blog. I do have a rather intricate reproductive history. If you do as well you might want to check out the exhibit or even contribute to it. And if you know anything about this organization, please let me know.